Rosenbauer ­ Truck-mounted fire pumps
The correct proportioning for every demand.
Around-the-pump foam proportioning systems.
Around-the-pump foam
Around-the-pump foam
Around-the-pump foam
proportioning system FIXMIX
proportioning system FIXMIX 2.0
proportioning system FOAMATIC E
A mechanical, completely in the
A mechanical, completely in the pump
An electric, completely in the pump
pump integrated foam proportioning
integrated foam proportioning system
integrated foam proportioning system
system is available for the pumps of
is available for the N65/ N80 pumps.
is available for the N100 pump.
the N/NH series.
Hereby the water flow rate and the
On the normal pressure side up to
The system is available either as
foam flow rate are measured by
3 different proportional rates (free
mechanically controlled or mechani-
magnetic inductive flow meters and
combination between 0.5; 1; 3 and
cally pre-controlled and electronically
continuously adapted to the adjusted
6 %) can be chosen. The system is
regulated system (FIXMIX 2.0 E).
proportioning rate, to achieve a cor-
available in both in mechanical and
The proportioning can be chosen in
rect proportioning.
pneumatic operation.
3 rates or stepless (only FIXMIX 2.0 E).
It is possible to display the consumed
The proportioning can be chosen in
High pressure FIXMIX
foam concentrate amount after the
3 rates or stepless. It is possible to
operation with the FIXMIX 2.0 E.
display the consumed foam concen-
This enables to also proportioning of
trate amount after the operation.
one proportioning rate on the high
pressure pump. This system works
absolutely mechanic as well. So you
can get water on the normal pressure
side and foam on the high pressure
side at the same time.
High pressure FIXMIX
Benefits of around-the-pump foam proportioning
systems from Rosenbauer.
Easy to use
Rosenbauer around-the-pump foam proportioning
systems automatically adapt to the water flow as well
as to the water pressure
Systems are field-tested all over the world
The systems are entirely maintenance-free
Systems are integrated into the pump and thus work
perfectly with the water pump.
3-stage FIXMIX