Truck-mounted fire pumps Rosenbauer
The correct proportioning for every demand.
Direct injection foam proportioning systems.
The direct injection proportioning system with electric
The AQUAMATIC can be driven without a separate electronic.
drive for the smallest proportioning rates at smallest
It is driven by the extinguishing water. The proportioning rate
discharge amounts. The design with membrane pumps
can be adjusted individually on the outlets which are equipped
enables these smallest amounts. Proportioning rates from
with a venturi proportioner. The adjustment is implemented
0.1 % are possible. The minimum foam amount is 0.1 lpm
in stages of 0,5 %, 1 % and 3 % for normal pressure and 1 %,
(0.03 USgpm). Thus the DIGIMATIC is the ideal system to
3 % and 6 % for high pressure. This system is available both for
also realize the proportioning of wetting agent. Due to
normal pressure and high pressure. The system provides
42 lpm (11.1 USgpm) maximum amount of foam concen-
a foam concentrate amount of up to 24 lpm (6.34 USgpm).
trate e.g. a turret can supplied with foam. The adjustment
of the proportioning rate is stepless between 0.1 and 6 %.
The AQUAMATIC 96 is a bigger version with 96 lpm
The drive of the foam proportioning system is realized via
(25 USgpm). This system is only available for normal pressure.
a 24 V motor. Also a smaller system with a maximum foam
proportioning rate of 22 lpm (5.8 USgpm) is available.
Benefits of direct injection foam systems from
Easy to control through the Rosenbauer LCS System
Proportioning over a foam concentrate directly on the
outlet therefore the water pump is free of foam
Simultaneous extinguishing with a water-foam mixture
and cooling with water possible
When feeding the water pump the foam proportioning
system also works
For the DIGIMATIC: smallest proportioning amounts for
wetting agent use - for breaking of the surface tension
For the AQUAMATIC: no electric drive energy necessary,
simple mechanic system