Rosenbauer ­ Mobile equipment carriers
Flexible mobile equipment carrier solutions.
The quick delivery of the right equipment directly to
the operational scene.
During operations every minute counts. Therefore, it is all
Examples of mobile equipment
the more important to have the required equipment quickly
carrier solutions:
at hand at the operational scene. Rosenbauer offers mobi-
le equipment carriers (MECs) that are equipped for specific
"Lighting" MEC
purposes and offer orderly and safe storage and transport.
"Flood" MEC
In addition, the payloads can be prepared individually in
"Oil accident" MEC
accordance with your requirements.
"Suction point" MEC
"Hose" MEC
"Contaminated water pump" MEC
"Portable pump" MEC
"Flashing" MEC
,,Lighting" MEC
,,Flood" MEC
,,Oil accidentl" MEC
,,Suction point" MEC
,,Hose" MEC
,,Contaminated water pump" MEC
,,Portable pump" MEC
,,Flashing" MEC