Rosenbauer ­ FIRE MAX 3
Protective jacket with integrated rescue system.
This special version of the FIRE MAX 3 jacket allows the wearer to secure vic-
tims - or in extreme cases - to facilitate his own rescue. The jacket is equipped
with an internal tunnel, through which the Rosenbauer IRS belt can be inserted.
Reflective striping with added value.
Extensive reflective striping is another highlight of the IRS jacket. The quality
and quantity of the reflective stripes follow the specifications of the German
standard HuPF (production and testing description for universal protective
fireproof clothing). Thus, the jacket complies with Annex B of EN 469 in all
sizes. As a result, it is not necessary to wear a warning vest in some countries
(warning vest exemption), as stipulated by statutory requirements.
Applications for the integrated rescue system
As restraint system
As positioning system
As rescue system
The restrain system serves to prevent
By leaning into the system, a
The rescue system prevents the free
free falls. Fire fighters must be able
working position can be maintained
fall of the rescuer and the person to
to secure themselves in place in order
which prevents free-fall. In other
be rescued during operations. This
to avert the risk of falling. Falling is
words, leaning into a tensioned
includes self-rescue as well as the
ruled out by preventing the firefighter
system without the risk of falling.
rescue of victims.
from even coming close to edges that
Applications include working on
represent a falling risk. Applications,
ladders, for example.
for example, include work on em-
bankments, flat roofs, etc.